Tuesday, 29 March 2016

World Greatest Number of Chained and Rhymed Peace Haikus

                   Peace for the Earth.
         (Peace Chants in Ejaculations)

By Agharowu Eyebira Emmanuel (Honsbira)    

Introduction: Obeisance to a Haiku Lord.

i.                   Forgive me, Benshu,
If I jag your ancient view,
As though haze to chew.

ii.                  Forgive me, Benshu.
In Haikus’ time, who is who;
God-fried thoughts to hew?

iii.              Forgive me, Benshu.
If my winter is jagg-ed,
Tracing the quick queue.

iv.               Forgive me, forgive.
My midnight, mostly lone,
Like Christ’s, all alone.

v.                  Forgive me, Benshu.
Coffined in dews of hot days,
Seeking Haikus’ ways.

vi.               Forgive me, Benshu.
The earlier you do, the worse.
Only the right course.

vii.              Forgive me, Benshu,
If I miss-give with your style,
Mixing chime with bile.      

viii.          Forgive me, Benshu,
If my hewed hours become great.
Work with wits not few.

ix.               Let’s smile broad in tears!
See how crooked my hours are;
Riding learners’ car!

x.                   Ah, Benshu, forgive!
 Now, for the East I must leave,
With ivy to cleave.

xi.               Forgive me, Benshu;
Don’t forgive when I don’t view
Your who from mine who.

xii.             At times, I cry loud;
At times, I glide through the sky;
But me you don’t  laud.

xiii.          I am low indeed.
Your wits thriving like seed;
I write this on reed.

xiv.           I am wise really;
Near to you I’m most silly;
In new days chilly.

xv.              In herbivory;
With an hour in ivory,
This is History.

xvi.           Forgive me, Benshu!
New scripts in adamancy!
Save me dormancy!

xvii.         Forgive me, Benshu.
When I write my writ for peace
As though war piece.

xviii.      Forgive me, Benshu;
When Naomi lived with Ruth,
She would say the truth.

xix.           What truth can there be?
Truth comes only from time bee.
Fouled pen in the lee.

xx.              Now forgive, Benshu!
Now see I’m errant in view!
Now forgive, Benshu!

xxi.           Forgive me, “Benshu,
If I jag your ancient lines,
As though haze to chew.”

        Ejaculation 1. What is peace per se?

1.     What is peace per se?
What is peace as times peace sees,
            In hours out to sea?

2.     We must call her fair.
Now, what is the name of Peace?
Just like some blue air?

3.     Peace moves in secret.
Global peace shall time release!
It’s time is discrete.

4.     Abode in real clique,
Proud peace with time is coming,
The time to critique.

5.     Wooled like lion’s mane,
Sweet, like Spring-in-autumn songs,
Goodly peace won’t wane.

6.     Peace, like millipede
From foul fronts her hours shall come –
Verbal Eastern reed!

7.     Game of Love is on.
Shaggy, like old Crag and Tail,
Peace sings “On, come on.”

8.     Peace, I invoke you!
In your season, who is free?
Quotes peace creeds in view!

9.     Peace, I invoke you!
Time, low in your feud-free lane,
Fills your rules to rue.

10.                        The world, dried like hide,
 It’ll on soft, slower tide float
Through the globe and wide.

Ejaculation 2.: Peace Rally

1.     In Sicilian tide,
There is much ability
During Peace rally.

2.     Oh, God, we need God.
When you keep us fly like bird,
          Peace, like God, is god.

3.     Peace is a time feast;
E’en in the Modern Near East,
Peace is born by beast.

4.     Peace grows like Ivy.
On wars grows yeast, merely;
Too late; too early.

5.     On the Danube shore,
Into plains, peace times do bore –
Peace songs, fore to fore.

6.     Peace, falling in Fall,
On the world’s head peace slants tall.
Peace in death of Saul!

7.     Oh, Saul, it is late.
The all-hour ills must abate.
How is Israel’s state?

8.     Can one imagine?
If we can’t start peace engine,
The end’s peace famine.

9.     Low peace has high rage.
Its true strength has true age,
Of treats, stage to stage.

10.         Now, Peace can rampage;
An old Denkyrian adage
On Hegelian page.

Ejaculation 3. Hegelianism     

1.     Hegelian image,
     Happy time, though without norms,
     Shall come in new norms.

2.     Tumults rise on peace;
     New peace in Mathematics
     Sings stanced semantics.

3.     Wars wings now must wring;
     Their graves, as extant relics,
Are new world basics.

4.     Peace  basicity,
Crowing loud in diverse days
Keep man at the bays.

5.     New peace, not basic,
Basicity of acids,
Quotes anti-peace creeds.

     7.Crude peace call is cold,
Hard warriors and their techniques
Waste Summer peace cliques.

     8.Old Australians, bold,
Learn modern wars in Classics,
Using peace Physics.

     9. Bismarck’s war was old.
War he adored like comics;
Like peaceful Coptics.

10.Tales of war are told,
Peace new and ancient antics
Is Metaphysics.

Ejaculation 4. Peace Relics

1.     Peace and peace relics,
Take old chariot Asiatic
To prone pacific.

2.     Spirits of stale wars;
It’s time, like old mechanics'
“Knocks to know a knave.”

3.     Woe! What is this woe?
When will he for peace womb crave,
Call to close crude cave?

4.     Wars and war stronghold;
The yore, like new mechanics,
Use chaste cosmetics.                       

5.     War neck let peace hold;
In summer time, in Autumn,
With men in column.

6.     Behold, time, behold,
Glued to greed like neurotics,
And schizophrenics!

7.     Breasts of graves, budded.
Brave and bold in organics,
Now, are weak acids.
8.     Breasts of brave death, oh!
Brash death times in bric-a-brac;
Hour of peace these lack.

     9. Breasts of brave death, oh!
Crude and rude; pale top to pack,
Operate in the dark.

10. Breasts of brave death, oh!
On our heads peace has war marks;
Singing songs like old larks.

Ejaculation 5. Breasts of Peace

1.     Breasts of peace has marks!
Hard  hands and hold we will hack,
As the hour fire sparks.

2.     Breasts of brave death, oh!
Modern world in full aback,
To peace takes us back.

3.     Breast of old war, oh!
Squeaking spears in hours that bark
It speaks of peace mark.

4.     Breasts of old peace, oh!
Its strongest times under attack,
Take torn towns and sack.

5.     Breasts of brave death, oh!
Our heads, new in nursed attack,
Bad beginnings crack.

6.     Breasts of brave wars, oh!
Drenched in darkest water brack,
Fail killed like Barak.

In days of modernity
Is alacrity.

8.Full alacrity,
Means peace oddity.

     9. In diversity;
In winters of unity,
Thrives docility.

10.Hard civility
In God-grown community
Births new peace rally.

Ejaculation 6. So Hilly?

1.     Ah, so? So hilly?
In those days, one old city
Layed peace eggs freely.

2.     Even so? Really?
Wartime-sought ability
Is reality.

3.     Newest verity,
Most ancient civility,
Is sure unity.

4.     Yes, old wars shall end!
In this, our modern Townsend
Shall with Peace descend?

5.     Ah me, oddity!
      Ah me, commonality!
            Ah me, new entity!

6.     Wars wakes cruelty,
Gripping peace, willy-nilly.
Are our days silly?

7.     Peace to come early;
We are bereft totally;
Peace road too chilly.

8.     All our roads hilly,
Peace befriends us merely;
And this is timely.

9.     When men are holy,
When no longer unholy,
They tease peace daily.

10.             Sounds of love turns low,
Over ancient voice of war,
 Shall teach rights through Law.

Ejaculation 7. Hope

1.     Sounds of love turns sour,
Now, and in the heretofore:
It is hope, therefore.

2.     Sounds of love turns low.
Harshest times in choicest core
Wear self off like whore.

3.     Sounds of war turns low.
4.     In the morn, from shore to shore,
Peace knocks, door to door.

5.     Sounds of love, too low,
Into war heart how we bore -
Through hours, forty-four!
6.     In its peaceful role,
Wars give all-the-time hazards –
Like tyrant lizards.

7.     In its peaceful role,
Wars rob us of our proud pilchards –
Our hard-hour gizzards.

8.     In its peaceful time,
Wars quote the creeds of wizards – 
Like vinous hazards.

9.     In our daily work,
War wakes woes with weak sluggards
Like a flirting cork.

10.             Few fare in full feuds.
Its economy of scale
Shall kill mid-night wail.

Ejaculation 8: Time Monotony

1.     Some keep wits in pale.
Time monotony, in bale,
Holding peace to hail.

2.     Few fare in full feud;
Autonomy, sweet like ale,
Drinks new ginger-ale.

3.     Few fare for full feud.
This agronomy, too pale,
Thinks of hours tell-tale.

4.     Few fare for foul feud:
When they hear the nightingale,
In Galingale.
5.     Few fare in full feud.
For now, peace, never too stale,
Fights like duck male.

6.     Few work for full feud.
Like the Shakespeare’s Ganymede,
These take time God-made.

7.     Peace, oh, come to all;
This season, lone or in Fall;
Its weird name shall call.

8.     World weeping for peace!
What a week of hope is this!
Washed wools of worries!

9.     Peace, oh, come to all;
This season, spring or Summer,
Talks of an order.

10.             Now, peace must sing loud,
If weird time we must applaud,
Witnessed by proud cloud.

     Ejaculation 9. Israel

1.     Israel love, allowed,
He loved no truth hours – Achan!
Achan died a ban.

2.     Wars, on heads of wars;
War effects, non-personal –
Peace time arsenal.

3.     Like the Suez Canal,
Peace is non-political –
Reactive  rascal!

4.     No! Eyebira –
Life is a wheel of Era –
Europe or Asia.

5.     Peace breeds no era;
Shape of Peace, Eyebira;
Springs in Illyria.

6.     Daily peace in cells;
Straight lines cutting parallels –
There is growth in dells.

7.     Share timed peace for all;
Straights lines cutting parallels,
Alternates equal.

8.     Share timed peace for all;
Straight lines cutting parallels –
Opposites take call.

9.     Peace, oh, come to all;
Like the hanging grape in fall,
We are all-for-all.

10.           Peace the world wearies!
But decked day of dreams do dawn.
Based beast of berries!

Ejaculation 10.  Where peace is

1.     We know where peace is;
All the time, in the lines of poem.
Oh, Jerusalem!

2.     Oh, that happy home!
Hymns of sobriety of old!
Oh, the happy loam!

3.     For Peace, be able.
By now, we turn the table.
It’s been sad scramble.

4.     Peace sings songs like crow.
 Never it will give us love;
In its Demand Curve.

5.     High love breeds high peace.
When Love falls, peace will fall, too;
With this law in view.

6.     Peace crusaders think
Of oceans where priced peace sinks;
Hours, full – without blinks!

7.     Tumult gong is rung;
But not like our peace gong-gong,
Rung daily along.

8.     Poor peace extending,
Is backed by truth to extend
To ends without end.

9.     Peace shall come to be.
To tap peace, kill the red bee
Whose juice is not free.

10.            Peace princes in price,
Crusader’s neurons shall rise;
High like padi rice.

        Ejaculation 11. True Peace

1.     True peace comes like mice;
For lack of hour, we lack ours;
True peace has no scars.

2.     Yes, Peace and war, same;
None of them has its own name -
They are lion’s mane.

3.     What is Peace-keeping,
Peace keeping, not peace-making?
It is mind-matching.

4.     What is peace-matching?
My God! What is peace-doing?
This time, ask Peace King.

5.     We know the Peace King;
In hours of the peace-maker,
Hours of war worker.

6.     He brews peace in wars.
Like the income of old whores,
Brewed peace is new curse.

7.     Peace is axiom;
Poisoning time opium …
No, swamped plasmodium.

8.     I hear Peace humming,
Unheard in deeps of my soul
In misted morning.

9.     God, Peace I’m writing.
Your  throne, far from the world, whole,
Procures peace all spring.

10.             God is verity,
Serves our peace in tea.

 Ejaculation 12. Time

1.     Time tea! What I see!
It is time – Modernity –
Full ability.

2.      Peace civility –
Days of specificity –
Is agility.

3.     Peace  must hatch with time –
There is much disquiet, now –
To pick war-filled clime.

4.     Peace must grow with days.
Like Bashan cows and their rows,
Peace craves newest ways.

5.     Oh, God, I do know.
“But this time, what can I show?”
Peace sings in row.

6.     Peace smiles is total,
Secret, like killing cabal,
Endoral coral.

7.      Algebra of Peace!
What a figure rough is this?
The Lord’s time it is.

8.     Simple , but not hard,
Real peace, like real Algebra,
Gives feuds the time card.

9.     Algebra of woes and wars!
This shall X on us to scorn,
Chewing peace as corn.

10.            Days and days pass by.
So, shall shrewd wars sing “bye-bye”
Like cows cutting rye.

             Ejaculation 13. All Days

1.     All days peace shall try.
 Too few right things wars have done.
 The rest is waste wring.

2.     The Peace tree must grow,
To block the inroad of feuds
Days, fried dreid of foe.

3.     We climb the day high,
When, with Peace, we march kai, kai,
And sing walahi!

4.     At last, true peace reigns.
When war crowns shall smile abroad,
There are no more pains.

5.      Today is pregnant!
Tomorrow bears sons of gnat.
Such is Peace baby.

6.     Linear Expansions
Empowers our winter scions,
In Peace-feud union.

7.       Peace is a true Art.
At the Island Icaria,
Truth time Peace will cart.

8.     Peace won’t learn Science.
Because Art and Science are one,
Their time’s lost to none.

9.     If x equals y,
Where x and k are the same,
Then, k is y; but why?

10.             Cut by a straight line,
Parallel lines quote Science laws,
Stitch in time saves nine.

Ejaculation 14. Laws

1.     Cut straight to shine,
Opposite angles, equal,
Corresponding, fine.

2.     Cut by a straight line,
The alternates are the same;
  Time of Peace now mine.

3.     Cut by a straight line,
Vertically opposites
Join the hour to shine.

4.     Like Dy/Dx,
Shortness of Peace is excess,
A time of recess.

5.     Peace as  piece of war,
     Without troubles peace won’t fall,
   Like a Summer dull.

6.     The carp needs true peace.
          The tree monkey needs it, too.
          To all, peace is dew.

7.     There is time for peace.
Also, there is time for war.
Both know, but one law.

8.     When war greets grand peace,
No, when peace greets grand war,
God’s law is at fore.

9.     Yes, when feud births peace,
When the peace fails to birth war,
Round smiles drop the jaw.

10.          “Ah, ah,” all the year,
There is just one thing to fear:
Land drowned in peace dear.

Ejaculation 15. Growth and Peace

1.     No peace in chased deer.
     Growth and peace have but a tow,
     Tow through time to go.

2.     The poised war is locked.
     Peace times shall peace-like ones opt
         To pick peace unblocked.

3.         The stanced wars are tame.
          And in hours low as the kame,
        Time gives peace its name.

4.     The stanced war will end.
When coals of peace descend,
God great peace shall send.

5.         Wars shall bathe the land.
          Peace shall take a garland,
          To the far inland.

6.     When wars bathe the land,
          Swimming peace like the pilchard,
          Sing songs like the bard.

7.     Peace time gives a round.
      War turns peace around, around.
     Gripping pace full crowned.

8.      Peace, peace, be able.
Hour, hour, now tell us the state?
Is it soon or late?

9.     Peace sings songs like dove.
 Never will it light red stove;
From heaven above.

10.           High love breeds high pink.
The less the love, the less, peace;
Peace, afloat or sink.

           Ejaculation  16. Peace Crusaders

1.     Peace crusaders think
Of days when priced peace sinks.
Shall peace sing and sink!

2.     Peace respects Science.
Prone peace essence of the time –
Invades ones conscience.

3.      This law, hard I feel,
 Time, safe like the kola nut,
Strange like coconut.

4.       Argon is too rare!
Hydrogen, not, is too light;
Like Peace, just too bare.

5.      Expansivity
Empowers our winter scions,
In reality.

6.      Peace, being an art,
In times rich in Calculus,
Truth time Peace must start.

7.      Oh, real peace in wits.
Because Art and Science are gone,
Peace has gone to stone.

8.      Peace comes by and by,
Coming in a time without name,
If heaven or sky?

9.      Peace is  nine in nine,
In peace times, things ten-ten,
Like Ancient Eden.

10.             Peace time must be mine,
From the outside or in inside;
Everything as fine.

Ejaculation 17. Peace Shall Dine

1.      On wars peace shall dine,
War is peace and its new name;
These new days are kine.

2.      Filled like richest spine,
 In old locales and old sites,
Our creeds peace recites.

3.     Peace is in excess;
When shall I seek its recess?
Save it or it wrecks!

4.     Tumult time is peace.
It is like hours in Hong Kong,
Playing war-filled song.

5.       We are extending,
Surely, we are receding
To time yet to sing.

6.      Peace shall live to be.
Peace shall cry to tap the bee,
Most honorably.

7.      The price of prone Peace,
Defended in time and pace,
Raises a new case.

8.     True peace is warlike;
For lack of hour, we lack ours;
Wars, crossing the bars.

9.      Peace and feuds are come.
Both of them hide all the hour –
Later to hover.

10.                         We must be laughing,
All the time always weeping,
We must be thinking.

         Ejaculation 18.  Peace Making

1.      What is peace-making?
This is our time of thinking
As proud peace is king.

2.      We know peace and war.
We know that war is at fore.
Think of peace, therefore.

3.      We make peace in wars.
Like the whore seeking her chore,
Wearing gowns of curse.

4.      Peace is a union
In my diverse opinion,
Like summer’s onion.

5.      As peace is humming,
Through my mind today to role,
Then, wars are coming.
6.      Of peace I’m talking.
Under its throne as a whole,
I dance and I sing.

7.     Peace  must hatch with time –
There is much disquiet, now –
To take some new wine.

8.      Peace must grow with May.
Peace has been stunted in holes.
Peace craves it new way.

9.       Oh, God, now I know.
God, to unknown peace I bow.
Oh God, your peace, Oh!

10.             Peace in arrears,
Small like the Suez Canal,
Barks like dogs: wal, wal.

             Ejaculation 19. Total Arithmetic
1.       ’Rithmetic, total.
What a rigor never free?
In God’s time I see.

2.     The time shall come soon
When we use the smallest spoon,
Spoon meant for the noon.

3.      The time shall come soon
When there is no time for war,
With all minds open.

4.      The days shall come soon
All those dead to peace and cry;
Never more to die.

5.      In my mind in truth,
 Deceits and frowns are nothing –
 As in mind of Ruth.

6.      As in mind of Ruth,
When wars become most ruthless,
Ruth is most faultless.

7.       The day mostly high,
When, below good things do ply,
There is peace to buy!

8.      At last, Naomi
Now, like the Irrawaddy
Cries of peace to be.

9.      Peace give us new prize,
When all the mind they comprise,
Bumped peace shall arise.

10.              Today is a gnat!
The morrow is a time ant,
Too hard, too extant.

Ejaculation 20. Resistant Peace
1.     Wars sing tunes distant.
Every time in wholes and halves,
Peace, most resistant.

2.     Poems of Lord Browning,
 Now sing sounds from pole to pole,
 Writing my doing.

3.     To God I’m writing,
His throne, far from the world whole,
Gives Autumn and Spring.

4.     At times, God’s bells ring;
Our failure to take our role,
Makes our stomach wring.

5.                 The bell is sole king,
In midst of kings, he is sole;
Sometimes, mute like mole.

6.                 Mole, not molecule,
The unseen mole is the rule,
For all hour in full.

7.                 Noble like Johnbull,
Hard, but easy like time bull,
Peace peeps, pure and full!

8.                 He sits still on wool;
But he shows up like ships hull,
His ruder, tight-pull.

9.                 His mind is too full;
Pleas and incense smoke in pool,
Like Osei’s stool.

10.            Full Introduction!
The Word is linked to a God;
When we live as guard.

Ejaculation 21. Time of Peace

1.     Time of peace in bad;
         When we waste wars which we won,
         Blaming our good gun.

2.     Predestination!
Spherical ordination?

3.     We smile with the sun.
We have wept in heat and crack,
The sun smiling back.

4.     The sun must smile back;
Tomorrow and tomorrow;
Through time to borrow.

5.     Through time we borrow.
Very stagnant we have been;
Silent like seed bean.

6.     Silent like the bean,
Our tones like John the Baptist’s,
Our ways peace then twists.

7.     Love days shall not twist.
See how meandered life is,
Too removed from peace.

8.     With faults we kiss fear.
But the Lord has built us bold;
In peace just as old.

9.     Our peace chants get old.
Though it works in fits and starts,
Fresh peace the Lord starts.

10.            Odd peace the Lord starts.
Through Christocentricity,
True peace we study.

Ejaculation 22. Man, Moody

1.     Man is most moody!
Though hard, his forebears were none;
However now prone!

2.                 Men drags Satan’s bone;
But when the face of Peace shines,
They call God through phone.

3.                 Divine telephone,
Working through space and time gone,
Gives man divine tone.

4.                 Man in divine tone,
Displeases Man every hour
Like ITC zone.

5.                 This life one sees there,
Request that all be sincere,
 For God’s always here.

6.                 The Lord will hear us;
Hope from here to back of earth,
Will light through this course.

7.                 Failing us before,
He will hear us from below,
Even in  hollow.

8.                 Earth is in blank space;
Almighty God is the case,
Everywhere, time, pace.

9.                 Pay from each planet,
God all the time immanent,
Will our plea magnet.

10.            The space, going round,
Kupers’ Liminality,
Sings peace, time sound.

Ejaculation 23: Breathing!

1.     Breathing without bound,
To the owner times rebound,
Peace placed on ground.

2.                 The earth as the Lord’s,
E’en ants with Him in accords,
Sing at night like birds.

3.                 So, the Lord listens,
Even while in the heavens,
Or to Mars driven.

4.                 Will you come back now?
How I long to be with you –
In your shroud as dew?

5.                 I watched Peace buried;
The seventh day he hurried,
His abode, varied.

6.                 I saw Peace planted
Into a time undated,
With matriarchs rated.      

7.                 With prized Peace always,
One has to  merge into time.
But time gives delays.

8.                 When he was wanted,
Into time Word departed,
Into time, he parted.

9.                 The day peace parted,
Reddened tears were imported;
False worms elated.

10.            In real heretofore,
The worms were disappointed
In most base hour sour!

Ejaculation 24. Peace, Ungated

1.     Though tomb showers and pours,
And becoming ungated,
Heaven is chanted.

2.     Unintimated,
Peace left us, hours unrated
As though in hatred.

3.                 My hot cries cooked ray,
As peace moved afar away,
Like a raining day.

4.     Keeping me heated,
When afar peace ascended,
The world was bearded.

5.                 Yes, the wave fish waves;
Each removed initial cares,
Sent to earth and caves.

6.     This is Hollow earth!
And when He put this in place,
He gave joy to wreath.

7.                 Into time Peace sped;
My lips on his breast then fed,
Like bride to be wed.

8.                 Geared like spirits weird,
I am by you this endeared;
On Iroko bed.

9.                 Where we lay as dead,
All day living worms shall feed,
Smearing like time herd.

10.      God is not mated.
Life-time chime are vomited,
When Sprites are naked!

Ejaculation 25. Becoming Noted

1.     Becoming noted?
No, since the trip is started,
The shroud is knitted.

2.     Happy shroud knitted;
In tears away you parted,
Paul’s peace smiles noted.

3.                 My night robe lauded,
Divinity John lathed,
Is met white, though red.

4.                 Do the first thing first!
On the day you breathe your last,
You leave wars to frost.

5.                 Frost made out of tears,
Was food when the die was cast,
When tears were loved wares.

6.                 Wares too forgotten.
All the while our spirit reshaped
Than not more often.

7.                 More often than not,
Peace draws lines like Ascari.
Looking? We cannot.

8.                 We could not see well,
The glare of God digs a well;
And the well gives yell.

9.     War is a colloid;
Pure peace is in love alloyed;
This message is boiled.

10.            We yelled, but too much!
When God won’t hear our weep,
 Peace elements rush.

Ejaculation 26. Same Locus

1.     God’s darts can crush.
All the while, we are smiling
On the same locus.

2.     From a locus sad,
We started with red candles lit
That death is not bad.

3.                 We are too weak, here.
But what dare we do not dare,
Calling God all day?

4.                 Peace has gone, but there;
He takes shapes in the mirror,
In our moons of tear.

5.                 Our tears cleanse the moon,
Made unwholesome by dirges,
Night-in-morn and noon.

6.                 At the time of loss,
We could not stop this cleansing.
We just held the cross.

7.                 The cross that did speak,
When the crucified was gagged,
Bore peace signs un-gagged.

8.                 In the room centre,
The cross always gives utterance
As if an altar.

9.                 In the room centre,
It always gives awareness
Like the game of chess.

10.            A fine piece of mess;
It’s a radial drainage guess
From an ancient tower.

Ejaculation 27. Crossing

1.     The cross sinks lower,
Then, Christ was on His legs;
The two too-pegged legs.

2.     This stands for God’s town.
Each for both ends of the road,
Witnessed by old clown.

3.                 Oton is one end;
The other end is Osi
To these the hours tend.

4.                 Oton is one end,
Where we saw Henry Townsend
In those days on end.

5.                 The other, busy;
All the time, not less easy,
Sees things in prayer.

6.                 The prayer gives us bliss;
For those in want of God’s mind,
This times peace gives kiss.

7.     Juno helped the birds,
Legs of the cross were the Lord’s:
Yes, yes, in those days.

8.     Juno blows sweet pipe;
Hatred change to hope in ring
When mid-night bells ring.

9.                 Juno blows sweet pipe,
The face of non-love to spite,
Love on moon to write.

10.                        Juno knows quite right:
By now, the cross grips our day.
This we see today.

Ejaculation 28. One Fears

1.     One fears to this day,
Honest birds gather round here,
Like Christ’s on Mount Dear.

2.                 Like Christ on the mount,
Our cross does not teach sermon,
It lures season’s count.

3.                 Spirit on the Mount,
Isn’t it peace on the Mount,
In every account?

4.                 Which is more powerful,
The cross or Jesus, lawful?
Time quiz is awful!

5.                 Cross in our ego,
Christ, gone, along springs ago,
Smoothens the cross, oh.

6.                 Giving it full strength,
The sluggish cross fights for us
On daily locus.

7.                 On daily locus,
The locus of speaking herbs,
Curses of the Serbs.

8.                 The Serbians know how,
In those days of low knowledge
The world war did wedge.

9.                 The Serbians know how,
Some of these worshipping naught,
Are by tumults caught.

10.      We, like  ancient  Scots,
Mystery weaves us like webs,
In hours of low small slots.

Ejaculation 29. Peace Hours

1.     Peace hours the day blots.
When from the high cliff we see,
Learning the whole sea.

2.     When the rivers ebb,
The wits must be learnt in SPEB
From the beginning!

3.                 How in this we grow!
And how we have been so low!
A real why and how!

4.                 Yes, wits make us grow,
Wits flee the epicenter,
Stored in Moon’s goiter.

5.                 Bible and the plough,
Like the Christians and the Cross,
Mytho-season dough.

6.                 Peace flows towards God,
In flow from the inner core,
In flow, time at fore.

7.                 The cross and the Lord,
Will never ignorance spread
When the going is red.

8.                 The cross and the saints,
Like the Bible and the plough,
Mystic days must show.

9.                 When those two merge up,
And sickness they edge out,
Men are filled with clout.

10.              Cross peace dares with doubt;
They can sing epic or dirge,
Divinity none.

Ejaculation 30. Christ

1.     Cross and Christ are one,
Like male and female in cone,
When they dig child mine.

2.     The cross and the Christ!
Like the ploughers and the plough
My hour, saved from cough.

3.     Our time sings unknown,
Where there is wit, there is time,
Mystics sing their own.

4.                 Mind of peace is deep.
But not like the ocean deep,
Riding timeless jeep.

5.                 Mind of cross is deep;
The mind of man is shallow,
Filled with new moon tip.

6.                 Minds of cross and man,
A separate all-hour combine,
Works like a turbine.

7.                 Mind of cross and man,
Cross and man cannot be one,
All the time and none.

8.                 All the time, no time,
There must always be rhyme
In full mystic clime.

9.                 In all mystic clime,
When ignorance fills the mine,
The cross gives us chant.

10.            In the peaceful cant,
In a real non-peaceful dew,
Time and cross we chant.

Ejaculation 31. Bird of Peace

1.     Pigeons rant the cant,
Guide and clear like that of Kant,
Of the age of Comte.

2.                 But what are these chants?
Chants of the make of Moses
By the old oases!

3.                 We learn wits in chants;
But we learn stupidity,
When in oddity!
4.                 Roles of chants are dual:
Our love chant is Bhamari
In times primary.

5.                 What are these errants?
What God did in creation
Were not works, but chants!

6.                 “Let there be”, there is!
Like springs of Irrawaddy
Working, time on time.

7.                 The peace makes us live,
Without the peace, all is dead,
Early to be led.

8.                 The force is still here;
Never elsewhere, anywhere,
Making us look rare.

9.                 This creed of nature,
Unlike the creed of culture,
Is active index.

10.                    When love gives hisses,
Indices have threads in grid,
Peace must war get rid.

Ejaculation 32. Peace Creed

1.     The creed is our grid,
Our good times are linked to deed,
Deed written on reed.

2.                 Summer writes God’s bid,
The core of thin reeds read,
A plant ploughed for reed.

3.                 A plant mild fair mead;
This man’s dirty time made void,
Unstudied geoid.

4.                 The end is the start,
Time and time are in a cart,
In mind of God sat.

5.                 Earth sleeps on a mat.
When the time comes, it rises
 Like Ethiope’s Rases.

6.                 Like Rhoony’s passes,
Rays of hope in peace evades
The veinous landscapes.

7.                 Days in the Cascade,
Night in dried Aidelaide,
Mystic laws obey.

8.                 These are instances,
The exponent hitherto law
Is always at fore.

9.     A most new system!
This we wear as Christ’s emblem!
In city Salem!

10.            Why is this the case?
The dead grown is dead indeed –
Like pea in its mead.

Ejaculation 33. Peace Weed

1.     Is it peace weed?
Seed must die so as to live,
With time to co-live.

2.     Is that why we die?
The heart, dead, colouring earth?
Is that day a myth?

3.                 Like smartest earthworms,
Souls grid through womb of earth
In the hour of death!

4.                 Like a peaceful worm,
Like the time-made tilapia,
Our Souls are happier.

5.                 The earth breathes all times,
Its breathing can be controlled,
Divinity souled.

6.                 The earth breathes all times,
Without its nostrils like ours,
It breathes like John Hines.

7.                 The earth breathes all times,
Holding breadth, rhymes upon rhymes,
Tasting sour like limes.

8.                 The breathing is strength.
It makes the mortal long for God,
E’en in hours of death.

9.                 The breathing is wit;
Making humans look unfit,
When each day is lit.

10.            The breathing, poison,
Great Lord, now we can reason.
“Death is life’s cousin”.

Ejaculation 34. Yes!

1.     Yes, it is poison,
Working powerfully, unseen,
In its hourly scene.

2.     The breathe is poison!
Breathe of peace, a time prana,
Was used by Hana.

3.     Who was this Hana?
Not in time of Elkana,
But seed of Cana.

4.                 The belief of Cana,
Centered that time on Shiloh,
Had its peace colour.

5.                 The earth’s  tone of old,
 Some fragile, some too bold,
Built strength, mould on mould.

6.                 The earth’s shape of old,
With its non-colour, God-made,
Keeps the souls re-made.

7.                 Tone of earth of old,
Shall not need to be retold,
Like the glare of gold.

8.                 Like the glare of gold,
Like the bleak of the midnight,
Peace kills peace – like knight.

9.                 Like the shine of gold,
Union with God in those days,
Worked to hours, full ways.

10.            How do thoughts work out?
How does lucidity fail?
Is peace time a whale?

Ejaculation 35. Leaf of Peace

1.     Peace leaf, green, not pale;
All times gives great messages
Of saints dressed as male.

2.                 Minds are not like this;
Remaining as in God’s time,
As peace souls shall kiss.

3.                 Many spirits kiss,
Since then, in big spirit grooves,
Divinity moves.

4.                 The spirits descend,
The peace sprites with God ascend,
As the seasons tend.

5.                 Good spirits descend,
As ancient Greeks would calend,
Gnostics guns to gnaw.

6.                 Knowing all the herbs,
The herbs themselves do portend
In peace-inclined trend.

7.                 God’s sprites pluck peace herbs.
The herbs become configured,
Inherent peace, doored.

8.                 Lark’s lips lick large leaves,
Like the Lord’s on lane of loaves,
In those days of eaves.

9.                 The leaves, now, can speak;
The leaves, none shall ever shriek;
With peace, peak-on-peak.

10.            The leaves can’t be weak;
Their work is crowing like soft cock
On a morning rock.

Ejaculation 36. Leaf of Peace

1.     Peace leaf now, like cock;
Peace hater pierce out their tongues
Like the dead in morgues.

2.                 The leaves, now can act;
In this man-green leaf compact,
Time shows the impact.

3.                 The leaves, now, are leaves;
Hitherto, these sheets were none;
Hitherto being stone.

4.                 The leaves, now, are leaves;
Leaves that bigger leaves will eat
In hours of peace feat.

5.                 The leaves, now, no leaves,
Empower those sheets, those great gnats,
Gnawing like giants.

6.                 The leaves, now, sing bold.
Peace tales, now, must be re-told
In wits like Leopold.

7.                 Carbon dioxide.
Planktons produce oxygen –
Never hydrogen.

8.                 Pin yet to describe,
Plankton produce oxygen,
Peace oceans, decide.

9.                 The O2 cycle,
When plankton make oxygen,
Peace is at Walden.

10.            The O2 cycle:
But for what is this studied,
Shall God be varied.

        Ejaculation 37. Oxygen

1.     O2 is carried;
Unlike the motorcycle,
Works Natures recycle.

2.                 The O2 cycle,
Unlike the geometric cycle,
Is Nature’s mind read.

3.                 The O2 cycle,
Like all time Perihelion,
Thinks of Aphelion.

4.                 The O2 cycle,
Like the oval eyes of circle,
Alternates with time.

5.                 The time marks the hour;
Not all times plants are in flower:
Watch Eisenhower.

6.                 When God’s grid is marked,
Breeds ability.

7.                 Time dies, we are born;
Time lives; but we die and die;
Like Z and Y.

8.                 Other things are true,
All negations you must face
Like P and Q.

9.                 Love peace chanted y;
At first no one could say why;
One could only try.

10.            You say anything.
But mind you, this is nothing.
 peace time is something.

Ejaculation 38. Fresh Things

1.     When we  say fresh things,
At times, we don’t say a word.
Fish don’t live on fins.

1.     We hear unblown horn;
At times, this can break curved morn,
When peace link is born.

2.                 We see the horn blown;
Like seeds, fertility grown,
          In hour, sole Gods-known.

3.                 We see the horn blown;
Like ancient balloon up-flown,
Peace proud eyes to frown.

4.                 Their eyeballs empower,
When foul negations aspire,
On peace paper pyre.

5.                 The deep earth is dark;
The mystic light lightens it –
Peace times, bit by bit.

6.                 The deep earth is dark,
Her penetrability,
Times new will mark.

7.                 The moist slit will sit,
On the seam in view of time;
This time wits consist.

8.                 This time wits consists,
Wits far ignorance resists.
Yet, pure peace persists.

9.                 The heap of the saints,
When bereft of all its scents,
Ghosts it always sends.

Ejaculation 39. Peace!

1.     Peace and his paints;
Their sonorous night voice
Dunes like tortoises.

2.     The dunes have full eggs;
Hard like the Saharan ergs;
Found round morning regs.

3.                 Heap of the giants;
Busy like bright summer ants,
Fills our peace with chants.

4.     None shall hear this word;
Word made to be full absurd,
Words, all times, like bird.

5.     None shall hear these words,
All must listen to its speech,
Its midnight dew rich.

4.     None shall hear these words,
At the horizon, some dots,
Plain peace time, our forts.

5.                 None shall hear these words;
Would they were plain, we are glad!
In seasons peace-clad.

6.                 In the morn thus sheep;
From the night our souls they seep;
Through peace navels peep.

7.                 They suck and up leap,
Weeping might roofs they unzip,
View peace love’s fair hip.

8.                 Peace cries loud at night,
Like thick bears along the Bight,
Crying in full might.

Ejaculation 40. Night

1.     Sprites sing all the night;
Peep all night on heads that lie,
As peace routes we ply.

2.     As sprites ply peace route,
Ancient Naomi and Ruth,
Would sound unsound flute.

3.                 Air from them is cold,
Its’ hotness nipping night sleep,
Mounts on our trunks, bold.

4.                 Sprites build on our trunks,
Midnight war so stale now ranks,
Like acids in tanks.

5.                 Like wet cat-ions,
Hours just too negative turns,
Like Christ head in thorns.

6.                 Sprites are everywhere;
One point in winter symposium,
Peace, here, and most fair.

7.                 Peace spirits gather,
All the season they scatter,
To distances far.

8.                 Their motives rare found,
Through our daily chores around,
On our skills too sound.

9.                 Hard on us it lands,
Like God’s spears and Christ’s garlands,
On Easter errands.

            10.Their red reddens all,
In our early peaceful call
Peace, bright, but dull.

Ejaculation 41. Snowfall!

1.     Even in snowfall,
I spot a point on the wall,
  keep peace a stall.

2.     Peace keeps me from fall,
Not erect on a height too tall,
Since time of St. Paul.

3.                 In a narrow stream,
But at times, widest within,
There is peace therein.

4.                 In the meandering way,
With things seen well in the day,
Sure peace lead the way.

5.                 Some short points inland,
During midnight or at noon,
 We eat peace in spoon.

6.                 Like Christ glued to love,
Like the world religious curve,
I regret war Eve.

7.                 True peace was with us;
True peace was in the ether;
At once, they gather.

8.                 They gather the day;
The light that lights up the night;
Like Armstrong in flight.

9.                 Like a strange time bird,
We work with the hoot of peace;
Peace, a holy cod.

10.            How, I do not know?
The ring of love surrounds us,
In hours looming low.

Ejaculation 42. We Know

1.     It is low, we know;
We know not the hour we sow                   
Does peace live on earth?

2.     Oh, where do we live?
Though we live within the creek,
Just now, peace must speak.

3.                 Peace must speak as sprites;
Peace must speak when day is bright;
Peace must speak to spite!

4.                 Wisdom  spites the earth;
Here peace beauteous winters lie;                                           
Here we cast the die.

5.                 Winter dice are cast;
Winter dice knock peace to stop,
Dancing on war top.

6.                 Rolling on our heads,
In the night and on our beds,
Peace dictates our dream.

7.                 I dreamt in the stream,
Of a dry unkempt young man,
He spoke through peace can.
8.                 Peace was void; yes, void.
The errant world to avoid,
Feuds to crack and coil.

9.                 Night crack the casket;
Love bids me kiss the moonset.
Am I really set?

10.            Should I really go?
Forty-four years is enough –
Or ninety four years?

Ejaculation 43. Ether

1.     Peace the new hour shares;
True sons imbued with long points,
Ether, gatherings spares.

2.     “Oh, oh no oh no:”
As peace song dawns in the morn,
Peace navels shall grow.

3.                 When our navels crow,
And our young genitals drop,
The crow is on top.

4.                 War wits, not enough,
E’en the elementals crow,
To define peace stuff.

5.                 Oh, what stuff is this,
Stuff from our home in the air?
No time peace shall fear.

6.                 No fear and no stair,
When out of shock, we do stare,
We have wronged peace care.

7.                 Elementals weep;
Good hours with us earth they keep,
 In unionism.

8.                 When peace unity
Fights against disunity,
It’s docility.

9.                 Peace ability
Will cut down alacrity,
Too late or early.

10.            One day, a dream rare,
I saw men of peace-and-war
But who was not there.

Ejaculation 44. Nowhere

1.     When he was nowhere,
It means all is there and here;
Good in full fanfare.

2.     The trees speak mangroves.
Peace glare silently at me,
War old son then roves.

3.                 In the same strange dream,
When like plain life all sights seem,
The man was not there!

4.                 All can see with me:
Peace candle flamed in my mind;
And its flame was kind.

5.                 This and the other,
Is one and the only one –
          Sooner or later.

6.                 Oh peace is most true!
The ever fault-finding leaf,
Truths peace will construe.

7.                 Yes! Is it not so?
We cling to our peace through earth,
When God gives us birth.

8.                 When was great God born?
At the time beyond the time,
Peace void blowing horn.

9.                 All my ancestors,
Smiling all the day at me,
Give out peace in snores.

10.            My own flesh I scale;
I place the Lord’s peace on scale;
All day on time whale.

Ejaculation 45. Building Crests

1.     The whole place is pale.
In the morn’s sun to the sky,
        Building crests of sty.

2.      Crest pushing to God,
We have weak powers in gourd,
Powers untoward.

3.                 Peace shall die no more.
So, I will meet Sun, and snore,
In my midday score.

4.                 I have, but a chore;
Peace is to share, time to time;
Like long wound of whore.

5.                 In the same deep stance,
I stood and viewed, shore to shore;
Like the ancient Ruhr.

6.                 Between here and Spain,
Peace molecules fall like rain,
In June-in-the-main.

7.                 June, alas the day!
Filled with molecules of sad,
And atoms of May!

8.                 All will change to God.
The decision is man-made,
When God’s laws is made.

9.                 All times, mind do move,
Like breeze and flame of God’s mind,
The Red Sea behind.

Peace day wears its wool,
Tiny and mute molecules,                                    
Made in peace-clad pool.

Ejaculation 46. Peace Seasons

1.     Peace-full seasons full;
The peace leaves of vengeance,
Sip new elegance.

2.     The time, done in full,
Is leaving behind holes lull.
One can hear its call.

3.                 The time, done in full,
 God’s spirit no time in lull,
We at last do pull.

Peace in peace harem,
Peace of Japheth, Ham and Shem
Grows a deepest stem.

4.                 The time, done in full,
Leaves emissaries un-full.
Void, be careful!

5.                 Peace seeds, soon to grow;
Wait for time in time so-so,
To linear upwards.

6.                 The seed and the moon,
Have their lives in sweet decay,
At dusk, morn or fohn.

7.                 peace seeds, grown in moon,
The grower meditating,
Grows to greet her soon.

8.                 peace stands for the clout,
The song birds talk about
The old Canary.

9.                 We take no medicine,
The song birds give chloroquin,
And then, all is seen!

10.            It will cure all greed,
Time behind love of God hid,
Under divine lid.

Ejaculation 47. Peace Kid

1.     We show as peace kid.
“But appearance can mislead,”
Like days, when nights lead.

2.     This’s Olomu’s piece.
Who we are is more than this.
Man and time kiss.

3.     We show as we are;
We are what we are and more –
In our daily chore.

4.     We show as we are;
We must change, time getting yare,
Like Mr. Ford’s car.

5. We show as we are;
Our peace rubric must be changed,
Watched on Gnostic spa.

5.                 We show as we are;
We have more links with the star,
When the sky is bare.

6.                 Men  are what men are,
 sky and leaf as ailed allies,
These are are our dailies.

7.                 Showing as we are,
But now, showing differently,
This is gift so rare.

8.                 When leaves fight their war,
The peaceful bark also war,
All hours land to shore.

9.                 When the peace fights war,
It fights its war with its mind;
Employ against bore.

Ejaculation 48. Wherefore?

1.     When the leaf fights war,
Red bullets they never bore.
What is the wherefore?

2.     Leaves have one color;
Few of them have war odor,
Most are morning-raw.

3.                 Leaves have one color;
Leaves in strength, not one culture?
Read the heretofore.

4.                 Leaves have one color,
At times, with varied censor –
Yes, from house to shore.

5.                 When peace leaves blend up,
Before, some have no call-up,
Like cows, in gallop.

6.                 See from pole to pole,
Most awkward time has a role,
         When our new peace shall bubble.

7.                 Our leaves near fillets,
Against their dirty luster,
They are called “Good sir.”

8.                 Our leaves wear fillets,
They pronounce woes on good bloom,
This time is their room.

9.                 Peace leaves now, reads minds;
When you are wrong, we know not;
Those days, in Belmont.

10.            Then wits vest we wear;
Ignorance vests we un-wear;
The combine is dear.

Ejaculation 49. Fair Leaf

1.     The peace leaves are fair.
With human wits they relate,
In peace pick your slate.

2.     Then, our number grows;
The block is not just human,
Men and leaves in rows.

3.     Ten men in one town;
These are thousand men not clown,
From the earliest dawn.

4.                 They are separate beings;
They re-enforce each other,
In hours of peace beans.

5.                 Peace has a time chaste,
Horrible, unknowable –
Most incapable.

6.                 There is a time chaste,
But man does not have to wait,
At a time so haste.

7.                 There is a time chaste,
Naught in life is not unchaste,
In this or that state.

8.                 There is a time chaste,
This time, dross death dares the waist,
To paint grey in state.

9.                 There is a time chaste ,
In midst of low times aghast,
Former hours have pass’d.

10.            There is a time chaste,
This same time is sour in taste,
There is no time good.

Ejaculation 50. Old Robinhood

1.     Oh, Old Robinhood!
Is this how man should fare?
Peaceless life to stair?

2.     Until all is fair,
Until peace be permanent,
All are in sad set.

Until we meet God,
Until God deals with the foe,
We fly back and crow.

3.                 There is no time chaste,
Though we try at any rate,
There is no time fair.

4.                 Volition of pains;
Born of the period of rains,
Feeds on pangs and rants.

5.                 Volition of pain;
Born of laughter and headache,
Gives back days of niche.

6.                 Volition of peace;
Born of work throughout the night,
Is the mum of might.

7.                 Our pains at twilight,
And our teaching pains at dawn,
Is by God’s peace owned.

8.                 Our pain, producing,
Odds with productivity,
Comes in the morning –

9.                 Volition of pain;
In arithmetical mean,
Can make good days hymn.

10.            Volition of pain;
Consolation, giving gain –
Never shall get wane.

Conclusion: Apology, Benshu,
Peace Methodology, if Misapplied.

1.     Forgive me, Benshu:
Mocking your lines on Mondays,
Straying to new ways.

2.      Obedience, Benshu;
A plea from the riotous;
Your days are a force.

3.     Obedience, Benshu;
When on e craves for who is who,
You are he in view.

4.     Obedience, Benshu;
Your wits are sure for the few,
When the hour is due.

5.     Obedience, Benshu.
Disobedience man shall rue;
Time on times in queue.

6.     Obedience, Benshu.
Even count Mirabeau
In his old ways mewed.

7.     Obedience, Benshu.
Your old days are a sure shoe;
I as your coo-coo.

8.     Obedience, Benshu;
Even the bird that sing coo-coo
Sees times through the dew.

9.     Obedience, Benshu;
When lower wits in mankind pew,
Into time we view.

10.                        Obedience, Benshu;
A plea from the riotous;
Your days are for us.

11.                        Obedience, Benshu;
Do I hear you in this course?
Your time in full force?

12.                        I owe, but one thing:
Time, both at hind and at fore,
Obedience, therefore.

13.                        You’ll forgive, Benshu?
Monday-Sunday, forgive me;
Forgiveness I chew.

14.                        Forgive me, Benshu
If I mock yours on Mondays,
Soiling them, Sundays.