Tuesday, 4 September 2018


                                                                   THE ILLUSIVE ATOM
                                     Augustine Oritseweyinmi Oghanrandukun Olomu (St. Ifa)
                                                       Email – weyinmifa@yahoo.com
It is desirable at this juncture to prove the illusiveness of the atom, the invisibility of the molecule, ion, electron etc. . . . Atomicity and all things related to it is a fiction. It is built on mere superstition, dogmatic ideology, factoid and a whole bunch of fertile imagination. From the formulation of the atomic hypothesis, the measurement of the molecule, the further experiments shown or purported to demonstrate the existence of the atom, we hear a whole language of indefiniteness, superstition, supposition –  “perhaps”, “might”, “assume” etc –  permeate the whole of the lexicography  of atomicity. For more than two millennia Western science has been chasing after the atomic illusion. It is high time we put the story right – build and formulate a science that is more durable, lucid, straightforward and comprehensible.

Aims of study

1.    To show that the atom is an illusion;
2.    To reveal the faith language of the atom;
3.    To expose an  aspect of Western science as mere ideology;
4.    To propose a better alternative to the atom;
5.    To expose a unified core substance – Ase!

Key words:
Atom, molecule, ion, science, superstition, dogma, ideology.

Definition of key terms.

a.    An atom is the basic unit of an element. When you see the chemical formula for water, H2O ,it's telling you that each molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.( www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/atom)
b.    Molecule Definition: “a molecule refers to two or more atoms which have chemically combined to form a single species.  Examples of molecules include water H2O, oxygen, gas, O2”(Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D,.March 06, 2017
c.                  Ion   : “Ion, any atom or group of atoms that bears one or more positive or negative electrical charges. Positively charged ions are called cations; negatively charged ions, anions. Ions are formed by the addition of electrons to, or the removal of electrons from, neutral atoms or molecules or other ions; by combination of ions with other particles; or by rupture of a covalent bond between two atoms in such a way that both of the electrons of the bond are left in association with one of the formerly bonded atoms. Examples of these processes include the reaction of a sodium atom with a chlorine atom to form a sodium cation and a chloride anion; the addition of a hydrogen cation to an ammonia molecule to form an ammonium cation; and the dissociation of a water molecule to form a hydrogen cation and a hydroxide anion.Many crystalline substances are composed of ions held in regular geometric patterns by  the attraction of the oppositely charged particles for each other. Ions migrate under the influence of an electrical field and are the conductors of electric current in electrolytic cells”.Written By: The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica  https://www.britannica.com/science/ion-physics

d.    Superstition: “a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation b: an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition.  : a notion maintained despite evidence to the contrary” (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/superstition)

e.    Science. Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.( https://sciencecouncil.org/about-science/our-definition-of-science/)

f.     An ideology is a set of ideas, beliefs, or stance that determines a perspective with which to interpret social and political realities. The term is used either in a pejorative or neutral sense, but it contains political connotations. The word ideology was coined by Count Antoine Destutt de Tracy, a French materialist in the late eighteenth century, to define a "science of ideas." The current usage of the term was, however, originated from Karl Marx. Marx defined "ideology" as a "false consciousness" of a ruling class in a society who falsely presents their ideas as if they were universal truth. Their ideas were neither universal nor objective, Marx argued, but they emerged out of and serve their class interests. Today, the term ideology is used in a much broader sense than Marx's original formulation.   In a pejorative sense, it means a set of ideas used as a political tool to achieve hidden goals and interests by distorting social, political realities. Hidden interests meant class interests for Marx, but those interests can be any other kinds of interests. This sense is closer to but broader than Marx's original formulation. In a neutral sense, it means a set of ideas accompanied with political goals, intents, interests, and commitments. While a world-view does not necessarily connote political undertones, an ideology always contains political implications. The main purpose behind an ideology is to affect change in society through a normative thought process. The application of ideologies in public matters makes them central to politics. Implicitly, every political tendency entails an ideology whether or not it is propounded as an explicit system of thought.( http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Ideology)

g.    Dogma : “a fixed, especially religious, belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to accept without any doubts”.

( https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/dogma)


After reading so many books and journals on the atom, it becomes obvious that the level of scientificity in the study of the atomic theory is very minimal, if there is any, at all. A careful study of documents was done. The type of experimentation was carefully analyzed. The language of doubt and uncertainty was the watchword of atomicity. As the study continues one sees that a herd of a generation – nay, many generations – has been led like unreasonable sheep to eat the grass and fodder of superstition as concrete science. From the days of Democritus till present day, no one has seen the atom, none has measured the atom. All have followed the pseudo-scientists like sheep without shepherd: all falling into the valley of shadow of deceit. It is time to build another more scientific alternative to atomicity.


1.    Exposing the atom

An atom is supposed to be the smallest constituent unit of matter. Its composition is as follows –

a.    It exists in four states – solid, liquid gas, plasma
b.     It can be neutral or ionized. It is neutral if it has the same number of proton and electron, if otherwise, it is ionized or becomes an ion
c.    They are very small about 100 picometres – a tenth billion of a meter in the short scale
d.    Due to this minuscule size quantum effects affect its observability and measurability
e.    It has three major sub particles – positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons and a neutral neutron.
f.     The atom has two main units – a massive nucleus (about 99.4% the mass of the atom and an electron or more that is about  the size of the nucleus (Ababio et al 2016, Anyakoha 2016,Farinde et al 2015).
g.    The Electrons are bound by the electromagnetic force to atomic nuclei, and their orbital shapes and their influence on nearby atoms with their electrons is described by quantum mechanics. The nuclear force (or nucleon–nucleon interaction or residual strong force) is a force that acts between the protons and neutrons of atoms.  It is a fundamental force able to overcome the electric force that would otherwise force the nucleus apart within extremely small distances. These are formed with quarks which are held together with strong force... gluon is the basic exchange particle which works as mediator force between quarks. Both the particles; gluons and quarks are present in protons and neutrons.
h.            Since the electron is      the size of the nucleus and the attractive forces holding the electron should be in that proportion, but   under certain circumstances, according to the atomic theorists, the repelling electromagnetic force becomes stronger than the nuclear force, and nucleons can be expelled from the nucleus, leaving behind a different element: nuclear decay resulting in nuclear transmutation.
i.              The number of protons in the nucleus defines to what chemical element the atom belongs: for example, all copper atoms contain 29 protons. The number of neutrons defines the isotope of the element. The number of electrons influences the magnetic properties of an atom. Atoms can attach to one or more other atoms by chemical bonds to form chemical compounds such as molecules. The ability of atoms to associate and dissociate is answerable for most of the physical changes observed in nature and is the subject of the discipline of Chemistry. So much for the exposition of the atom according to the theorists of atomicity as the founding blocks of the universe. Small as the atom, it has smaller particles – subatomic particles.

                                                                  Subatomic particles

 The major ones – electron, proton and neutron – known as fermions. But hydrogen atom and ion has some peculiarities –  hydrogen-1 atom has no neutron and the hydron ion has no electron. The electron is by far the lightest of fermions being only 9.11×10−31 kg, with a negative electrical charge and a size that is too small to be measured using available techniques.  Can something not been able to be measured by available techniques, really exist? Yet the theorists of atomicity talks of something lighter or less massive than the electron that could not be measured with present day techniques – the neutrino . How can we have a measurement for something too small to be measured?  Negatively charged electrons are bound to positively charged nucleus. A charged atom is called an ion. Electrons have been known since the late 19th century from the works of J.J. Thomson and others. Protons have a positive charge and a mass 1,836 times that of the electron, at 1.6726×10−27 kg. The number of protons in an atom is called its atomic number. Protons and electrons have same and opposite charge of 1.6 x 10-19C. Neutrons – are neutral – they have no electrical charge and have a free mass of 1,839 times the mass of the electron, or 1.6929×10−27 kg, this makes the neutron only slightly heavier than the proton and thus, the heaviest of the three constituent particles, but it can be reduced by the nuclear binding energy. The characteristics of the neutron are that of the proton + that of the electron.  Proton and neutron are called nucleons. Electrons have no internal structure. Protons and neutrons are composed of elementary particles called quarks. 

2.     History of the atom
 The atom was first mentioned by Democritus (c. 460 - c. 370 BCE) ,Democritus : Ancient History Encyclopedia  Joshua J. Mark 2011, https://www.ancient.eu/Democritus/  ).
 It took prominence in the days of Dalton and became endemic in our own day (Anyakoha 2016,Ababio et al  2016 Farinde et al 2015).  By a gradual fertilization of ideas, the atom has grown in ideology from the days of Democritus right to the days of Dalton, when it became dogmatized, to the days of the modern scientist taking a lead from Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr etc, where it is just a chase after illusion. 
        The idea of the atom started as a philosophical debate and till this day, the atom has not assumed the status of scientific discovery; it is still in the domain of dogma, superstition, speculative philosophy, ideology, occultism, mysticism, parapsychology – a mind belief – rather than concrete science.   Egypt and India are postulated to be the formulators of the atomic theory... The word "atom" was supposed to be coined by the ancient Greek philosophers Leucippus and his pupil Democritus  . However, these ideas were founded in philosophical and theological reasoning rather than evidence and experimentation. There were many competing views about the origin and the fundamental unit of all matter, - yes, even of the universe – even of creation! There were the views of Alchemy that the earth or the universe was made of four elements – air, water, fire and earth. The views of these alchemists go back even further to the Indian concept of even a fifth element: ether ( Sivananda :1999) . Democritus had a very simplistic view of the atom. This is Democritus' atomic theory exactly:
1. All matter consists of invisible particles called atoms.
2. Atoms are indestructible.
3. Atoms are solid but invisible.
4. Atoms are homogenous.
5. Atoms differ in size, shape, mass, position, and arrangement.
->Solids are made of small, pointy atoms.
->Liquids are made of large, round atoms.
->Oils are made of very fine, small atoms that can easily slip past each other.

Democritus came to his conclusion by assuming a midway between the arguments of Parmenides, and the paradoxes of Zeno. Arguing against creation ex nihilo as propounded by the Memphite Theology in Egypt (Massey 1881, 1883, 1907; Budge 1883) and other books extant in Egypt and India (Sivananda1999,), Parmenides argued against the possibility of movement, change, and plurality on the premise that something cannot come from nothing. Zeno attempted to prove Parmenides' point by a series of paradoxes based on difficulties with infinite divisibility. In response to these ideas, Democritus posited the existence of indestructible atoms that exist in a void.  Being an alchemist, Aristotle did not believe in the atomic theory. “He thought that all materials on Earth were not made of atoms, but of the four elements, Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. The idea of Aristotle thwarted the dream of Democritus for two thousand years. ”. (https://the-history-of-the-atom.wikispaces.com/Aristotle). Democritus’ ideation was totally rejected by Plato and the philosophers of his time.  So with all the amble and jumble of ideas, the concept of atomicity died a natural death, until it was resurrected by Dalton in the early 1800s.  It was not until the 19th century that the idea was embraced and refined by scientists, when the blossoming science of chemistry produced discoveries that only the concept of atoms could ‘explain’, say the followers of atomicity.
Dalton came later with more reforms on the atom      “In the early 1800s, John Dalton used the concept of atoms to explain why elements always react in ratios of small whole numbers (the law of multiple proportions (Ababio et al 2016; Anyakoha 2016, Farinde et al 2015) .  About 90 years after the “discovery” of Dalton, in the year 1889 the British physicist J.J. Thomson claimed to have discovered the electron... Thomson conducted a number of experiments using cathode ray tube, the deflection, the movement and the lack of movement of alpha rays hitting some particular spots led him to propose – without seeing anything – that there are electrons.   His idea of these invisible electrons was that` they are like puddings affixed to the nucleus of the atom.  Ernest Rutherford’s famous gold foil experiment in 1911, led to some improvements on Thomson ( Ababio  et al 2016; Farinde et al 2015; Anyakoha 2016). His deflecting alpha particles after hitting a point made him to have a different view on the structure of the atom. His experiment made him to conclude that an atom has a small dense positive nucleus that has almost its whole mass, just like Thomson , and that  the atom is made up majorly of empty space, the electron though far from the nucleus are always attracted to it. His was a solar system model of the atom.
 Bohr created his own model of the atom, adapting, adopting and improving on Rutherford's. Bohr used an equation developed by Rydberg that provided a mathematical relationship between the visible spectral lines of the hydrogen atom. He is said to have come up with energy level and orbits in an atom. According to him the level an electron occupies in an atom is directly proportional to its energy. Thus the addition of the energy spectrum is the major thing that separates the work of Bohr from the work of Rutherford. Coming on the heels of Bohr is the radio chemist Frederick Soddy who ‘discovered’ that more than one type of atom occupies a particular position in the periodic table. He called this phenomenon isotopy and the particular atoms isotope of each other. He had copied this term from Margaret Todd.
The development of the  mass spectrometer , which they claimed makes the atom – an object invisible to light and the electron microscope – more measurable, is a great leap in the history of the atom.  Francis William Aston ‘showed’ with this instrument that the different mass of isotopes is due to the neutron a rival sub atomic particle in the nucleus to the proton.   Henry Moseley toed the line of Bohr. He improved on the speculations of Ernest Rutherford and Antonius Van den Broeck’s model. His ‘breakthrough’ was in the development of atomic number. According to him, “the atom contains in its nucleus a number of positive nuclear charges that is equal to its (atomic) number in the periodic table”. Atoms were believed to bond chemically because of the electrons which were believed to orbit the outermost part of atoms in shells controlled by invisible bands of energy Gilbert Newton Lewis in 1916, and Irving Langmuir an American chemist in 1919 made this discovery.
In 1922 some nuclear Physicists came up after some experimentation that the spin of an atom is directly controlled by a magnetic field.
In 1924,1925,1926  Louis de Broglie , Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger came out with a model that electrons are three dimensioned waveforms and not pointed particles.
As a follow up of this, the uncertainty principle, formulated by Werner Heisenberg in 1927 was born. It simply postulated that “it is mathematically impossible to obtain precise values for both the position and momentum of a particle at a given point in time”(Anyakoha 2016). 
A student of Rutherford and a German chemist, Otto Hahn, in conjunction with his aunty Lise Meitner discovered that the neutrons of one element can transmute into another. This they referred to as nuclear fission.  In the 1950s, quarks were developed as neutron and protons were discovered to be hadrons – that is composed of smaller subatomic particles called quarks. The quark is the standard model of Particle Physics. There is even more … Yes, there is even a smallest particle of an element hear “Boscovich believed that atoms contained smaller parts, which in turn contained still smaller parts, and so on down to the fundamental building blocks of matter.  He felt that these building blocks must be geometric points with no size at all.  Now most atomic physicists accept a modern form of this idea” these smaller entities  are pions, muons, neutrinos, gluons, lamdas, omegas, gravitons (THE INVISIBLE ATOM  God’s Building Blocks http://reason.landmarkbiblebaptist.net/atom.html)


With critical analyses, we will expose the pseudoscience of the atomists. We will do this using their own tools – their own proofs. We pick their arguments one after the other.

According to Ababio et al 2016, the molecule is invisible, even under a super powered microscope that can enlarge an object 200,000 times. Going by the definition above, the molecule is a combination of two or more atoms agreeing as a unity in independent existence and in chemical reaction. Now if the molecule which is larger than the atom is invisible, what about the atom? The answer is simple, Anyakoha 2016 puts it succinctly: it is “invisible”, too. All what can be said about the atom and even the molecule is got from indirect evidences.(Anyakoha 2016, Ababio et al 2016). That is not all; a researcher has even come up that the atom is invisible to light.  Hear him “It might seem as if there’s a simple way to prove atoms exist: put them under the microscope. But this approach won’t work. In fact, even the most powerful light-focusing microscopes can’t visualise single atoms. What makes an object visible is the way it deflects visible light waves. Atoms are so much smaller than the wavelength of visible light that the two don’t really interact. To put it another way, atoms are invisible to light itself. However, atoms do have observable effects on some of the things we can see.”(Chris Baraniuk  20th November 2015  http://www.bbc.co.uk/earth/story/20151120-how-do-we-know-that-things-are-really-made-of-atoms).  Some pseudo scientists have come with some very mysterious microscopes, they claim can take the picture of atom. These microscopes are not made of white light. These so called atoms pictured are just illusive objects which will soon be found out to be mere optical illusions reflected by the very nature of light itself. They are in no way similar to the atoms of classical atomists


 It is obvious that what is invisible – in the first place – cannot be measurable. The experiment done to measure the size of a molecule is suspect. In 1890 Lord Raleigh claimed that “if a drop of oil is placed on top of water, the oil will spread on top of the water surface until the thickness of the oil is only one molecule thick” (Anyakoha 2016; Ababio et al 2016). Quite interesting!  How can you really tell that the size of the spread of oil and not the size of the spread of any other liquid on water is one molecule thick? By this fraudulent experiment he came out with a formula that the molecule is about 2 x10-7 cm.  Are all molecules of all elements exactly the same size? What makes Raleigh to imagine that the drop of oil is equal to the size of one molecule? Since atoms build up to molecules, can we still use the oil drop technique to measure the atom? How many atoms are in the molecule measured by Raleigh? What type of molecule was used in his experiment? Can the size of the atoms of that molecule be got by just measuring and dividing by the constituent number of atoms? Now hear the difficulties got in the measurement of the atom – “I found out that the mass of an atom is not an actual mass; but, a theoretical mass. The reason why is that we cannot directly observe or directly measure individual atoms. From what I have read... light (essentially photons) interact with atoms introducing a subjective element to the measurement (which of course needs to be objective). This subjective element is essentially a wave interaction that changes the structural integrity of the atom and in many cases also changes the velocity and position of the atom and/or subatomic particles (Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9255739)”. From this conclusion it is obvious that it is impossible to measure the atom, at least in our present capacity of science.

c.    Diffusion and the proof of molecules

The atomists claim that diffusion is one of the proofs to show that atoms or molecules exist. In one of their experiments if liquid bromine is placed at the bottom of a jar with a lid placed at the top, the bromine will soon diffuse all over the gas jar  and move  to the top, because of molecules carrying bromine particles (Anyakoha 2016; Ababio et al 2016). The movement of bromine may or may not be due to the movement of bromine molecules, assuming that bromine moves to the top of the jar due to its rapidly moving molecules is a hasty conclusion. Anything could have made the bromine to move to the top, not just molecules, not just atoms. An invisible element cannot be held as the cause of the movement. This use of indirect evidence is suspect and ideological.

d.    Brownian motion and molecular theory

Another reason to believe in the existence of molecule and by extension, the atom is the Brownian motion. In 1827 Robert Brown noticed that pollen grains suspended in water under a microscope had a zigzag movement. He concluded that the pollen grains are moving due to the existence of water molecule. This he used to prove the existence of the molecule. But this is just jumping into a hasty conclusion. Some question need be asked before adopting this hypothesis as theory, law or truth –
1.    Will every other object – grain of sand, rubber, piece of rock of the same size and weight as the pollen have the same movement when suspended in water?
2.    Even if they have the same movement, will the moved object be concluded to be moved by molecules?
3.    Assuming one and two are correct, do we just conclude that it is the molecules in the water that is moving the object in the zigzag manner, when we don’t have any concrete evidence of the molecule?

e.    Law of proportions
Another sign according to the atomists is that atoms or molecules exist is that atoms or molecules react and interact in small whole numbers which the atomist call the law of definite proportion. For instance two parts of hydrogen reacts with one part of oxygen to form water i.e. H2 + O = H2O. But if a double part of hydrogen reacts with a part of oxygen to form water that does not in any way show that atom exists. It doesn’t show that molecules exist either. The reaction could be done by many other factors, by many other substances, not just atoms. A man meets a woman to produce a child, is that atomic also?


The language of the atom or molecule is the language of illusion. It is superstitious in that it believes in a false conception of causation; it is dogmatic in that it is a fixed set of beliefs we are to obey – like the Catechism of Roman Catholic church – without questioning; it is removed from science in that there is no enough concrete and tangible evidence to show that there is an atom; it is ideological in that it is “a set of ideas, beliefs, or stance that determines a perspective with which to interpret social and political and ‘scientific’  realities”. Yes, the atom is just a political gimmick that controls mass consciousness.
Now hear it is ‘assumed’ that the pollens are bamboozled by molecules (Ababio 2016; Anyakoha 2016). Thomson ‘speculated’ about the shape of the atom. He was not sure, he speculated. Is this a scientific proof? Democritus ‘proposed’; Thomson ‘speculated’; Ababio and Anyakoha ‘assumed’; Ernest Rutherford ‘concluded’; Bohr ‘theorized’; Milikan ‘concluded’.
From Democritus right down to Milikan we see a language of uncertainty. People who saw nothing – the famous Ali and the Angel story – but each in his own day and time holding on to the dogma, ideology, superstition, lack of scientificity of a group of pseudo-scientists who saw nothing, measured nothing, felt nothing , but are just holding to some opinions, because Democritus first postulated it as an ideology.

Evolving a New Science

Since the atom can’t be seen, measured or even actually identified, it is better to forge an alternative science for mankind. Democritus or his teacher is not the fundamental discoverers of the name: atom. If we travel back into time in the theology of Heliopolis (On or Annu) we come to the mythology of the Atum god (Massey 1881, 1883, 1907; Budge 1883) – the Supreme Being who created out of the chaos of water standing on the mound. Only in the inner African cities of Ife and Ode-Isekiri, is this mythology made even more explicit (Olódùmarè : God in Yoruba Belief, New York, N.Y., Wazobia (1994 ; Wande Abimbola, Ifa Will Mend Our Broken World (Aim Books, Boston, 1997).; Honsbira and St.Ifa 2009 ) The name Atum was a later development of the name of Adumu. The theology of Moses in Genesis copied it as Adam. Atumu, Adumu, Adam and Atomos of Democritus and other Greek plagiarizers of Egyptian cosmology is extant in the study of Cosmology and Theology. The farther we look into time the more we see that Atom is mythology not science.
It is the plagiarized truth that Democritus learnt as one who learnt from those who knew about the mystery schools of Egypt… Moses or people who assumed the name of Moses were copying also from the source and the Bible says “Moses was learnt in all the secrets of the Egyptians (Acts 7:22)”. He came up with Adumu as the first man. Demoritus came up with atomos, as the smallest indivisible particle of the universe. Both Democritus and Moses (or scholars who claimed to be Moses) are talking of creation, both are mythology both are cosmology , both are trying to find the smallest particle of the element, both copied from Egyptian African heritage.

Considering the double coincidence of both Moses and the Greek philosophers copying the fundamentals of creation from Africa, Africa alone can provide the name of the primal element – the ase , the instrument used by the Adumu – the Superanthropus – in creating the multiverse. The ase is not the atom as we know it today, or, as we imagine to know it. It is the logos, the qi, the prana, the primal word that is completely invisible, being both matter and spirit at the same time.  . 
Further experimentation have shown more hear “  Dr. Leon Lederman who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of new sub-atomic particles (pions, muons, neutrinos, gluons, lamdas, omegas, gravitons, and other parts of the atom) was asked the following question by George Caylor:  “How will you know when you’ve come to the particle that just can’t be broken apart anymore?”  Lederman answered:  “When we get to the true ‘atom.’  That is what Democritus named the thing that cannot be broken apart. It is what everything is made of. … I believe everything is made of ‘quarks and leptons’ – the God Particle. The way the quarks and leptons are arranged and united by energy determines the function of the particle. … [Q]uarks and leptons … have no size at all. They have no dimension, no mass. They are what we physicists call ‘points.’  They exist, but have few material properties of existence.  But everything is made of them! … Quarks and leptons are infinitely small, but the energy that ties them together is large!  It takes billions of volts to break particles apart. The smaller we get, the greater the energy. … If it takes billions of volts to break particles apart, those particles have billions of volts of energy holding them together. … An atomic bomb uses less than 1% of its available energy. … [Matter feel solid] because the energy that holds it together is so powerful.  The actual matter in a table is smaller than a molecule. The quarks and leptons of the entire earth occupy an area smaller than a molecule. The matter in the entire universe was once smaller than a baseball. Everything is held together by energy.”3
But the ase, prana chi or qi is even smaller than the God particle it is both spirit and matter and is the fundamental unit not only of Physics and Chemistry, but of religion, philosophy, cosmology, science, mysticism, occultism, parapsychology etc… everything in creation is one. The atom, atomos, is but corruption of Adumu. Adumu(the Superanthropus), Adam, Atomos, Atom – how smooth is western science an outshoot of Isekiri, Yoruba, Igala, Ebu, Olukumi and Iyeghenle  cosmology in the concept of  ase as the building block of the universe, this of course, is the new and everlasting science.


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THE INVISIBLE ATOM  God’s Building Blocks http://reason.landmarkbiblebaptist.net/atom.html)


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